Thursday, September 24, 2015

Chris Brown Tells Australian Fans He'll Be There In December, Says ...

On Thursday morning, it was reported that activists in Australia are trying to ban Chris Brown’s entry into their country in December because of his violent past. But according to Breezy, he will hit the stage later this year with bells and whistles on.

The singer spoke out via Instagram and slammed a specific headline that read: “Chris Brown: Australian Officials Want To Deny Entry He Lacks Character.” The singer wrote that the story is “false and I’ll be in Australia in December.”

He went on to write, “To all the fans, don’t listen or be discouraged to buy tickets.”

THIS STORY IS FALSE AND ILL BE IN AUSTRALIA IN DECEMBER. To all the fans , don’t listen or be discouraged to buy tickets. My presales tickets sold out in the first 2 minutes.

A photo posted by @chrisbrownofficial on Sep 24, 2015 at 9:01am PDT

As previously reported, activists don’t want Breezy in their country because of his 2009 attack on then girlfriend, Rihanna.

Activists state in an online petition that they are “speaking out against Chris Brown because his casual visit our country would have enormous symbolic significance, which will only be amplified by our silence. By turning a blind eye to his tour, we send a message to survivors of family violence that it’s not that important and that you should just get over it. “


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